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Human Rights Protection

The Bank's values are centered around people and we are committed to following and safeguarding the international principles of fundamental human rights and the Bank's human rights policy, properly maintaining workplace health, actively assisting disadvantaged groups, and providing stakeholders with smooth communication channels, thereby creating a corporate culture that complies with laws, regulations and building a solid foundation for sustainable development.


The Bank has established the "Human Right Policies, Chang Hwa Commercial Bank, Ltd." in the spirit to support and respect international human rights initiatives and conventions, including the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights", "United Nations Global Compact", "International Labour Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work", and "UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights". All business units around the world comply with the labor-related laws and regulations of the place of operation and the Bank's Human Right Policies, while developing an honest, fair, respectful and open work environment.

Goals and Targets

Based on the characteristics of the financial industry and development strategies, the Bank identifies six major human rights issues as management objectives. Regular reviews are conducted on the implementation of these issues in terms of corporate policies and management, ensuring the integration of human rights principles into the core values of the organization.

  1. Goals and Targets

Assessment Mechanism

The Bank has established "Human Rights Due Diligence Procedures" to conduct annual assessments of the impact of operational activities and internal management on human rights, examining the effectiveness and suitability of measures taken to address human rights issues. The results are reported to the Sustainable Development Committee and the Board of Directors to enhance oversight and promote constant improvement in relevant mechanisms and measures.

Substantial Activities and Results

    1. According to the British Government's Modern Slavery Act 2015, the Bank disclosed the measures adopted in 2023 to prevent slavery and human trafficking in the supply chain or various businesses, and reported them to the 13th meeting of the 27th Board of Directors on May 13, 2024 for deliberation, and were disclosed on the Bank's official website.
    2. The Bank actively promotes educations and trainings on human rights, and organizes gender equality, human rights, prevention and remedies of sexual harassment advocacy, and courses for employees. Trainings on human rights policies or procedures had an average duration of 0.5 hours, with of 100% employees participating. 
    3. The Bank completed the 2023 human rights due diligence, and the implementation results were reported to and approved by the 4th meeting of the 3rd Sustainable Development Committee on January 12, 2024, and the 9th meeting of the 27th Board of Directors on January 29, 2024. 
    4. In 2023, the Bank received 0 employee complaints, 8 employee complaints about workplace misconduct, 2 sexual harassment complaints (both cases were dismissed after investigation), and 1 personal data security incident.

Human Rights Due Diligence

The Bank conducted human rights due diligence, which involved identifying human rights issues, conducting materiality assessment and risk evaluation, thereby formulating countermeasures or mechanisms. The findings were disclosed after review, as follows:

  1. Human Rights Due Diligence
  1. Human Rights Issue Identification

Identification of Significant Human Rights Issues

A questionnaire was distributed to assess the materiality of human rights issues based on "Level of Attention," "Probability," and "Impact Level." A total of 215 questionnaires were collected, covering various units of the head office, domestic business units (including regional centers and securities brokerage firm), and overseas branches, accounting for approximately 97% of all operational activities. The statistical results are presented in the human rights issue risk matrix as follows:

  1. Identification of Significant Human Rights Issues
  2. Ranked by "Impact" (cross-multiplication of "Probability" and "Impact Level") and considering the level of attention, the top six human rights issues for the Bank in 2023 are "Privacy Protection," "Equal Rights," "Workplace Misconduct," "Business Integrity," "Discrimination and Sexual Harassment," and "Occupational Safety and Health " by ranks.

Materiality Ranking of Human Rights Issues Related to New Business Relationships

  1. Materiality Ranking of Human Rights Issues Related to New Business Relationships

Risk Assessment and Management

Risk assessments are conducted on the identified major human rights issues of the Bank, evaluating the probability and impact percentage of risks associated with each issue in operations with mitigation measures and management mechanisms examined and formulated.

  1. Human Rights Risk Assessment Table
  2. Human Rights Risk Mitigation and Remediation Measures Table
  3. Human Rights Risk Mitigation and Remediation Measures Table
  4. Human Rights Risk Mitigation and Remediation Measures Table
  5. Human Rights Risk Mitigation and Remediation Measures Table