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Organization and Mechanism of Sustainable Development

Organization and Mechanism of Sustainable Development

  1. The Bank established the Sustainable Development Committee (hereinafter referred to as the "SDC") under the Board of Directors, as the dedicated unit for business integrity and sustainable development. The Chairperson serves as the convener of SDC, convening 3 independent Directors and President, responsible for promoting the value of sustainable development into business policies, coordinating the establishment of relevant systems, supervising and inspecting the implementation of policies and their effectiveness, and regularly reviewing related executive reports.
  2. The SDC features inter-departmental ESG Task Force, an Executive Vice President (EVP) was assigned to serve as the convener, and leaders of the ESG Task Force was reassigned based on the Bank's Sustainable Development Policy (Corporate Governance, Responsible Finance, Employee Care, Social Inclusion, and Sustainable Environment) to integrate and configure the resources of each department, allocate and implement sustainable work affairs and the goals of the policy.
  3. The SDC shall hold at least two meetings each year, a total of 6 meetings were held in 2023, and a total of 15 proposals related to sustainable work were submitted to the Board of Directors for review/ deliberation*, including annual sustainability plan, the implementation of sustainable work, and the issues such as business integrity, intellectual property management, occupational safety and health, human rights due diligence, greenhouse gas and energy resource management, climate change, etc.
  1. Regulation Compliance for promoting the sustainable development/Sustainable development organization of the Bank