


Low Carbon Demonstration Sites

  1. The Bank continues to promote green actions that are mutually beneficial with the environment, including establishing solar powered branches, green building branches and carbon neutral branches to represent the Low carbon Demonstration Sites of the Bank. These actions not only reduce resource consumption and carbon emissions but also enhance the Bank's corporate sustainability image. The General Affairs Office is responsible for planning and establishing replicable demonstration sites, setting short-term and long-term construction goals, and regularly monitoring the progress for future expansion.
  2. Low Carbon Demonstration Sites

Promoting Renewable Energy Utilization

  1. The Bank increases the renewable energy utilization through green energy supply and the establishment of solar branches. The renewable energy utilization in 2023 is 1.28%.
  2. Purchase renewable energy certificates or green energy supply
  3. The Bank has purchased 312 renewable energy certificates from 2018 to 2021. With the amended Electricity Act, the energy sources become more diversified. Therefore, we signed a five-year contract with a renewable energy supplier to supply green electricity to our Taipei Building and IT Building of Head Office.
  4. Purchase renewable energy certificates or green energy supply
  5. Establishment of solar-powered branches
  6. In 2023, the bank completed the installation of a rooftop solar power generation system at the Changhwa Branch and put it into operation. The system has an installed capacity of 18.24 kW and uses a self-production and self-consumption model. In 2023, the system generated approximately 3,412.7 kWh of electricity. At the same time, the Bank is expanding its rooftop solar power generation projects at Hsi-Tainan Branch, Tounan Branch and Tachia Branch. This initiative aims to gradually increase the bank's reliance on renewable energy. The Hsi-Tainan Branch is expected to complete its solar power generation construction project in 2024, with a planned installed capacity of 21.66 kW. The Tounan Branch and Tachia Branch have planned installed capacities of 18 kW and 50 kW, respectively, and are expected to begin construction in 2025.
  7. Note: Renewable energy generation (kWh) is calculated by multiplying the rated capacity of the equipment (kW) by the average daily electricity consumption per kilowatt in each county/city (kWh), then multiplying by 365 (days/year).

Promoting Carbon Neutrality Demonstration Branch

The Bank has implemented an ISO 14064-1 organizational greenhouse gas inventory since 2018, providing a comprehensive understanding of its greenhouse gas emissions. In response to the 2050 net-zero transformation, the bank has proactively established a "Carbon Neutral Demonstration Branch Plan". This plan is being implemented in accordance with the "PAS 2060: 2014 Carbon Neutrality Implementation Reference Standard" and is subject to verification by an external verifier.

  1. Promoting Carbon Neutrality Demonstration Branch

Incorporating Green Building Designs in Premise Planning

The Bank is incorporating green building design principles to achieve operational carbon reduction benefits. The current goal for the Chengtung Branch, the Tianjin Street dormitory, the building of the Chien Cheng Branch, and the Yuanli Branch, all involved in urban renewal projects, are all striving to achieve "Green Building Certification." Among them, the Peimen Branch, a part of the urban renewal project, was completed in 2023 and successfully obtained the Silver-level Green Building Certification by incorporating environmentally friendly elements such as green landscaping, water conservation, energy efficiency, and water resource recycling.