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Adoption of Environmental Sustainability Standards

  1. In response to climate change and environmental issues, the Bank has implemented energy-saving, emissions reduction, waste reduction at the source, and recycling before the "Paris Agreement" at the United Nations Climate Summit in 2015. To date, there have been no cases of noncompliance with environmental regulations.
  2. Following the "Sustainable Development Best Practice Principles" and aligning with international sustainable development goals, the Bank has gradually introduced international environmental sustainability certifications. Regular inspections and verification by external organizations are commissioned to assess the effectiveness of our mechanisms. The certification status is reported to the Sustainable Development Committee and the Board of Directors for tracking and monitoring, enhancing environmental sustainability governance performance in operational activities and internal management, and facilitating the achievement of environmental sustainability targets.
    1. Goals and Targets
      1. Regular maintenance of the validity of obtained international environmental sustainability certifications.
      2. At least one additional international environmental sustainability certification is obtained annually.
    2. Action and Achievement
      Substantial Activities and Achievement