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Occupational Safety and Health

  1. The Bank makes a commitment to compromise and implement the Bank's "Occupational Safety and Health Policy". In accordance with the Policy, the Bank established relevant plans and measures to control and manage the risks of occupational safety and health, and set qualitative and quantitative targets to implement and optimize the occupational safety and health system continuously. The Bank has established "Occupational Safety and Health Management Program" to manage the implementation and schedules of various targets; and controls risks of occupational safety and health by executing "Four major Programs for Occupational Safety and Health Prevention", "Worker Health Services Program", "Automatic Safety and Health Inspection Program" and "Operational Environment Monitoring Program" and determines the priority order of execution according to the degree of risk. In addition, in order to ensure consultation and participation of workers, the Bank worked with the labor union to formulate "Safety and Health Work Rules" to comply with regulations and obligations.
  2. Declaration for the Prevention of Workplace Misconduct of CHB

Occupational Safety and Health Organization

  1. Establishment of Occupational Safety and Health Responsible Unit
    The Bank's Occupational Safety Section in the General Affairs Division is the responsible unit for occupational safety and health, and sets two full-time occupational safety and health managerial personnels which is superior to the requirements of the regulations. It has been reported to the competent authority in accordance with the law for reference and has obtained approval from the Taipei City Labor Inspection Office, showing that the Bank attaches great importance to occupational safety and health.
  2. Establishment of the Occupational Safety and Health Committee
    In order to implement occupational safety and health management, the Bank established the Occupational Safety and Health Committee in December 2016. The Committee has one chairperson (the President or the agent designated by the President are responsible for monitoring the implementation of occupational safety and health related measures) and eight members, with the labor representatives accounting for one-third of the members. The meetings of the Committee are regularly convened once every quarter in order to strengthen the supervision over the occupational safety of employees, and improve the quality of safety and health management. A total of 4 meetings were held in 2023 to assist the promotion of the Bank's occupational safety policy.

Occupational Safety and Health Operating Status

  1. Policy and Agreement
    1. The Bank's "Occupational Safety and Health Policy" was reviewed and approved by the Board of Managing Directors on October 4, 2019. The scope of application covers all employees of the Bank and contractors and other stakeholders. The Bank is to serve our customers in the spirit of "Solid Management to Serve the Public". In addition, we uphold the corporate mission and business philosophy of the belief of caring and respecting colleagues, customers, suppliers, contractors and other stakeholders. Occupational safety and health management is actively implemented. Workplace safety and health are continuously improved. It is expected to provide a safe and secure working environment for all employees and stakeholders. Our highest goal is to pursue "No Holiday for Safety, and Health is Priceless". Thus, we promise and implement the following policies:
      1. a. Establish a safe and healthy workplace.
      2. b. Control and manage occupational safety and health risks.
      3. c. Strengthen occupational safety and health education and training.
      4. d. Ensure consultation and participation of workers.
      5. e. Comply with legal requirements and obligations.
      6. f. Continue to optimize the occupational safety and health system.
    2. The Bank revised the "Safety and Health Work Rules" together with labor representatives in 2017. Also, we reported it to the labor inspection agency and keep it on file. In addition, the renewal of the "Collective Agreement" signed with CHB Corporate Union was completed on May 14, 2018. The official agreement of the corporate union covers occupational safety and health personnel, safety and health education and training, compensation for occupational accidents, and other issues related to occupational safety. Also, the contract added on July 30, 2020 was signed.
  2. Identification of Occupational Safety and Health Risks
    In order to control the risks of occupational safety and health, the Bank has established "Occupational Safety and Health Management Program", "Four major Programs for Occupational Safety and Health Prevention", "Automatic Safety and Health Inspection Program" and "Operational Environment Monitoring Program" to implement and carry out the management of occupational safety and health. Also, priorities and action plans are established according to the degree of risk in order to enhance the safety and health awareness of all personnel, improve the working environment and facilities achieve the management objectives of safety and health.
  3. Working Environment with Safety and Health
    1. Each unit compiles the "Summary of Annual Voluntary Inspection Plan" every year to ensure that the equipment can maintain in the status of normal operation, and to detect and eliminate various existing risk factors in advance. Also, voluntary inspections of safety and health are implemented according to the planned schedule. 
    2. The monitoring of the working environment of "lighting" and "carbon dioxide" is carried out twice a year in order to grasp the working environment of the employees of the Bank and assess the status of our employees' exposure to hazards. 
    3. Safety maintenance reports and employee self-defense drills are held regularly every year to strengthen the Bank's safety protection. Our employees are trained to be proficient in the handling of various emergency situations to strengthen their emergency response capabilities. It is expected to be able to deal with related matters calmly and comprehensively in case of emergencies to maintain the safety of our employees. In January and July 2023, a security maintenance report and a drill of the self-defense formation were held respectively. All business units of the bank (domestic and overseas branches, representative office, securities brokers, regional centers etc.) were completed as scheduled. The number of people participating in the drill was 4,837 and 4,750, respectively, reaching a 100% execution rate."
  4. Handling of Occupational Hazardous Accidents
    Occupational hazards shall be prevented, and our employees shall have a better understanding of OSH related matters. Therefore, the Bank has set up one "Occupational safety and health business supervisor", two "First-aid personnel" and one "Fire-fighting management personnel" in each unit to assist in the implementation of matters related to occupational safety and health. When there is an immediate danger in the workplace, the unit supervisor or occupational safety and health business supervisor should immediately stop the operation and have employees evacuate to a safe place. When employees are in danger of immediate danger, they may exercise their right to evacuate to a safe place by themselves while reporting to the unit supervisor or occupational safety and health business supervisor immediately.
    1. Response Measures for Emergency Hazards
      The bank has established "Chang Hwa Bank Business Continuity Plan", "Chang Hwa Bank Directions of Emergency Response Measures for Compulsory Collective Isolation Responding to Epidemics" and "Chang Hwa Bank's Material Accident Handling Team Setup Points". If emergency events such as disasters or material pandemics occur, the above-mentioned plan should be followed, and emergency response measures should be implemented based on actual needs."
    2. Notification and Reporting of Accidents
      As per "Chang Hwa Bank Safety and Health Work Rules" , in the case of any of the following occupational disasters in any unit, the unit supervisor or occupational safety and health business supervisor shall report to the Bank's occupational safety and health management unit immediately, which shall then notify the labor inspection agency in eight hours:
      A.Disaster with fatality
      B. Disaster with more than three injured persons
      C. Disaster with one seriously injured person who requires hospital treatment
      D. Other disasters announced by the central competent authority
      When an occupational disaster occurs in the workplace, the unit supervisor or occupational safety and health business supervisor shall take necessary first aid or rescue measures immediately, conduct investigation and analyses, and keep records accordingly while reporting to the Bank's occupational safety and health management unit. Except for necessary first aid and rescue, employees shall not move objects or destroy the site without the permission of the judicial agency or the labor inspection agency.
    3. Procedures for Investigation of Occupational Accidents and near misses
      In order to enable the Bank to quickly understand the situation of the case in the event of an occupational disaster or near misses and provide immediate assistance to the unit and the party involved in the accident, the Bank has formulated relevant forms such as "Record form for notification of occupational accidents and near misses in the place of duty" and "Record form for settlement and investigation of occupational accidents and near misses in the place of duty". A total of 5 occupational accidents and 6 near misses were notified in 2023. After receiving the notification, the Bank's occupational safety and health management unit shall immediately investigate and analyze the accident with relevant personnel, and formulate disaster prevention countermeasures to reduce the incidence of accidents.
    4. Subsequent Treatment of Occupational Accidents
      If our employees encounter occupational disasters, the Bank's medical staff will provide health tracking and care to help our employees recover and return to work in addition to providing relevant compensation in accordance with the Bank's "Employee Retirement Pension and Severance Regulation"
  5. Systematically Promoting Occupational Safety and Health
    Systematically Promoting Occupational Safety and Health
  6. ISO 45001 Occupational Safety and Health Management System Verification
    1. In order to effectively manage and promote the occupational safety and health management system, the President leads the Bank to comply with occupational safety and health related laws and regulations and international standards, provide relevant resources, and commit to implement the Bank's occupational safety and health policy. Each department sends personnel to form a promotion team for the management system of occupational safety and health. The system is continuously optimized every year in the form of PDCA cycle through the formulation of quantified target tracking management performance. For example: the number of meetings held by occupational safety and health committee, the compliance rate of the monitoring of the working environment, the participation rate of occupational safety education and training, the implementation rate of labor health services, the goals of health promotion activities, and the implementation rate of the prevention plan of occupational safety and health, etc. In this way, a safe and healthy working environment is created. 
    2. Evaluators in each unit that received occupational safety and health hazard identification and risk opportunity assessment training within or outside the Bank are assigned with their own identification scope according to each unit's responsibility, activity and process. When filling out the "Hazard Identification and Risk Opportunity Assessment Form", in addition to considering routine activity process, non-routine contingencies shall be considered as well in order to understand the risk factors that may cause injury in the workplace. 
    3. The Bank continues to refine and improve occupational safety and health in the workplace. Therefore, the internal audits confirm the implementation of occupational safety and health related businesses in each unit. Also, we are actively striving for safety and health related awards from competent authorities to enhance the corporate image and create a safe, healthy and happy workplace.
      1. Obtained the certification of ISO 45001 Occupational Safety and Health Management System of BSI from US ANAB and TAF in Taiwan in 2019. we have recertified by the British Standards Institution (BSI) for consecutive years, and the latest validity period is from November 4, 2022 to November 3, 2025 to ensure compliance with the regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Act and international standards. 
      2. Awarded 2023 National Occupational Safety and Health Award - Special Award for Labor Health by Ministry of Labor
  7. Contractor and Supplier Management
    In the "Supplier Social Responsibility Commitment", the Bank specifies the labor rights and human rights that suppliers should abide by, including compliance with the regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Act. In addition, the Bank has a "Work Environment Hazard Element Notice". Contractors shall assess the possible hazards of the detail operations according to the hazard elements written in the notice. The responsible person of the contractor shall sign the notice and inform all the operating personnel regarding the possible hazards to ensure their safety before the commencement of the operations.
  8. Measures and Activities Related to Health
    1. To enhance employee knowledge and skills in emergency medical care, the "Healthy Guardian, Heart Care Action" CPR+AED first aid practical competition, a large-scale workplace health promotion event, was successfully held in 2023. A total of 964 participants, including employees and their families, received "CPR+AED course certificates." The event also fulfilled its charitable objective by donating NT$200,000 to the "South- Link Medical Foundation." Furthermore, the Bank installed Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) in its 8 buildings to provide emergency rescue assistance and completed CPR+AED emergency first aid training for employees in those units. 
    2. Medical personnel and personnel related to labor health services are contracted or hired to handle labor health services which is superior to the requirements of regulations. In 2023, a total of 24 on-site consultation services with doctors were provided, with a total of 277 participants. Some employees with chronic illnesses are referred to appropriate medical units after consultation. To provide employees with diverse and integrated healthcare services, individual consultations were offered in 2023, including 1 session with a physical therapist and 1 session with a dietitian. A total of 15 employees participated. 
    3. In order to take care of the mental health of our employees, the Bank cooperates with professional institutions for psychological counseling. Employees of the Bank are provided with psychological counseling and counseling. The Bank bears the expenses within a certain amount. 
    4. Breastfeeding rooms are set up to provide breastfeeding employees with a safe and comfortable breastfeeding place. 
    5. There are sports clubs, including basketball, table tennis, mountaineering, badminton, tennis, golf, volleyball and Tai-Chi clubs, to motivate employees to exercise more to maintain good health. 
    6. In accordance with government epidemic prevention strategies, a workplace vaccination station has been established at the Taipei Building. In addition to notifying all departments about the influenza vaccine inoculation program, eligible employees and suppliers are welcome to register for participation. 
    7. To align with the government's dengue fever prevention policy, all departments are requested to follow dengue fever prevention guidelines. For 2023, in accordance with the Communicable Disease Control Act, 7 branches were required to participate in disinfection. The Occupational Safety Section's nurses and occupational safety management specialists provided health education on dengue fever symptoms, guidance on disinfection procedures, and building inspections.

Improvement of employees' and contractors' knowledge and skills related to occupational safety and health

In order to equip employees of the Bank with the awareness and ability of occupational safety and health, the safety and health education and training for new recruits and employees on active duty are handled in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations. In addition, employee training needs are understood through occupational safety and health committees, employee responses, etc. Education and training information is provided in the form of courses, lectures or publications.

  1. Occupational safety and health education and training for new recruits and employees on active duty
    In 2023, a total of 268 people completed the safety and health education and training for new recruits. A total of 6,581 people were trained in the safety and health education and training of employees on active duty.
  2. Training of occupational safety professionals
    The Bank has established "Occupational safety and health business supervisor", "First-aid personnel" and "Fire-fighting management personnel" in each unit to enable our employees to implement matters related to occupational safety. There is a total of 1,547 qualified people in the Bank who receive relevant training regularly. Number of people trained in 2023: 479, with a total of 4,254 hours.Training of occupational safety professionals
  3. Contractor Education and Training
    Security guard education and training: Number of people trained in 2023: 812, with a total of 3,248 hours.Contractor Education and Training
  4. Lectures on Safety and Health
    1. To enhance employee communication skills and prevent workplace unlawful infringement, external instructors were engaged in 2023 to conduct "Workplace Relationship Skills - Employee Care Techniques" lectures for both managerial and non-managerial employees. The managerial session trained 1,108 individuals, achieving a completion rate of 99.9%. The employee session trained 5,429 individuals, achieving a completion rate of 99.5%. These lectures aim to reduce conflicts arising from differing values and communication styles among employees of different generations. 
    2. To provide comprehensive healthcare services, we have engaged dietitians and physical therapists to conduct individualized consultations. We have also uploaded online courses, such as "Home Exercise, Stay Active," "Eat Out, Eat Healthy," "Posture Correction and Relief," and "CPR+AED First Aid Training," to our online learning platform, allowing colleagues to learn more. Additionally, we have organized a lecture titled "Building a Healthy Physique: A Guide to Optimizing Sitting Posture" to mitigate the health risks associated with prolonged sitting in the office.
  5. Publications
    The Occupational Safety Section publishes relevant articles on occupational safety issues in the internal publication "CHB Magazines" and the internal website from time to time to enhance our employees' knowledge and capabilities related to safety and health. A total of 27 articles was published in 2023.

Risk Assessment, Control Measures and Implementation Effectiveness of Employee Safety and Health Issues

To manage occupational health and safety risks and reduce the incidence of work-related accidents or illnesses, the Bank implements four major occupational health and safety prevention programs. We utilize outcomes from these programs, on-site consultations with physicians, satisfaction surveys, annual employee health check-up data analysis, and communication channels such as the Occupational Safety and Health Committee to compile a workplace safety and health risk assessment map. Based on the severity of the risks identified, we develop and implement appropriate control measures.

  1. Risk Assessment Matrix Probability
  2. Control Measures and Implementation Effectiveness of Employee Safety and Health Issues
  3. Control Measures and Implementation Effectiveness of Employee Safety and Health Issues