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Charitable Strategy and Influence

Based on the concept of promoting "happy family," the Bank continues to care for the disadvantaged groups, increases the frequency of organizing public welfare activities, and actively motivates employees to participate in corporate volunteering services through its financial professionalism, a dense network of operating sites, and highly dedicated employees, in hope of creating a happy society which enjoys collective social prosperity and common good.

Charitable Strategy: Social Co-prosperity, Arts and Culture, and Green Care

With social developments and an aging society, the need for elderly care resources, psychological support, and basic guarantees for disadvantaged groups and specific people is growing day by day. The uneven distribution of social resources hinders cultural, sports and industrial development opportunities. Combined with a series of ecological, social, and economic crises caused by climate change, the impact on future sustainable development is far reaching.

2023 Charitable Strategy

  1. Benefit and Results of Social Welfare StrategyBenefit and Results of Social Welfare Strategy

Benefit and Results of Charitable Strategy

  1. Benefit and Results of Social Welfare Strategy

The Implementation Status of Charitable Strategy

  1. The Implementation Status of Charitable StrategyThe Implementation Status of Charitable StrategyThe Implementation Status of Charitable StrategyThe Implementation Status of Charitable StrategyThe Implementation Status of Charitable Strategy

Digital Supported Public Welfare Actions

"Chang Hwa Bank Love Never Ending" Taiwan Pay Mobile Payment Charity Event

    1. Since 2018, The Bank has launched the Taiwan Pay charity events every year, and has risen more than NT$1 million in donations each year from small donations made by the public by scanning a QR code using CHB Wallet. This project is well-received by the public.
    2. In 2023, Taiwan Pay's "Chang Hwa Bank Love Never Ending" was held by the cooperation with four public interest groups, "Taipei Orphan Welfare Foundation", "Double Bliss Welfare and Charity Foundation", "Beunen Foundation", and "Taipei Happy Mount Foundation", the Bank has set up "Donation Section" to provide online donation services, and users can use Taiwan Pay (CHB Wallet) to make online donations directly. In 2023, the total number of donations was 111,364 donations and the total amount reached NT$2,688,779, helping the disadvantaged fly against the wind.
    3. The "Pre-signing Micro Elderly Care or Disability Trust Contract Fee Waiver" activity was launched in 2023. This activity integrated with the "Chang Hwa Bank Love Never Ending" Taiwan Pay mobile payment public welfare donation. By integrating public welfare care with trust services, allowing individuals to support vulnerable groups while taking care of themselves, implementing ESG principles, and exerting social impact.