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The Bank has established a sound compliance system and framework and launches a compliance effectiveness reporting and monitoring mechanism, thereby maintaining an effective and appropriate internal control system. In addition, we improve the effectiveness of compliance risk management to reduce the Bank's compliance risk through promotion, education and training.

Compliance Organizational Structure

Legal Compliance Organizational Structure


    1. Set up a dedicated unit for compliance affiliated with the President, responsible for the planning, management, and execution of the compliance system, while establishing procedures, plans, and mechanisms for identification, assessment, control, measurement, monitoring, and independent reporting of compliance risks. 
    2. With a second-line defense mechanism, we engaged in horizontal communication and meetings to discuss and improve important compliance issues regularly, and we have established an independent notification mechanism for compliance risks to keep abreast of bank-wide compliance risks.

Complaint Mechanism

  1. The Bank has established an internal and external whistle blowing system. The internal audit unit accepts whistleblower cases and discloses relevant reporting channels on the official website.

Assessment Mechanism

  1. Examine whether the Bank's compliance resources (that is, the human resource allocation, organizational structure, as well as education and training of the compliance unit) are adequate timely in order to put the compliance function into force.
  2. The compliance unit conducts relevant compliance risk management by assessing major operating activities, products and services, credit or business projects, and material customer complaints that may violate the laws.
  3. Conduct the Bank's implementation status of compliance.


Risk Management

    1. The Bank has completed the self-assessment of compliance for the first and second half of 2023, and reported on the implementation status to the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee. ・ The Bank completed the on-site audit of compliance and the AML business in accordance with the 2023 compliance onsite audit project.

Education and Training

    1. There were 6,443 people and 6,409 people participating in the compliance courses in the first and second half of 2023, respectively, with 95.96% and 96.09% of the employees participating, respectively.
      Education and Training
    2. In 2023, there were 8 classes in compliance, AML, know-your-customer (KYC) policy, and employee code of conduct training for new recruits, with a total of 342 participants.


  1. No major penalties were imposed by the competent authorities in 2023.