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Emerging Risk Management

In the face of the changing global environment, the impact of emerging issues, including social, economic, technological, environmental and other external events, is gradually increasing, the Bank has established an emerging risk management mechanism to control and mitigate the impact of risks arising from emerging issues, and has adopted the framework of identification, measurement, management, and supervision to implement risk management effectively and to facilitate the transformation of financial services in a diverse manner.

Emerging Risk Management
  1. Referring to the risk research reports issued by domestic and foreign institutions, each business management unit assesses the degree of impact and the possibility of occurrence based on its business development and operation, identifies the types of emerging risks that may affect the Bank's operations (Table 1), and attributes them to the risk appetite questionnaire, which is ranked by the importance of the Bank's senior executives, and the emerging risk management meeting to determine emerging risk management issues, and formulates corresponding response measures (Table 2).

《Table 1》Emerging Risk Identification Results:

Emerging Risk Identification Results

  1. The Bank continuously monitors emerging issues and adjusts its response measures accordingly. The information security related risks identified in both the current and previous years are significant. Therefore, the Bank has decided to provide a detailed explanation of two emerging risk management issues, which are "economic downside risk" and "regional political conflicts and economic opposition".

《Table 2》Emerging Risk Management:

Emerging Risk Management

Emerging Risk Management