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Domestic Fund Service


  1. Natural persons of R.O.C.(minors, individuals without capability as well as limited capability should be represented or approved by his/her legal representative);foreign natural persons with Resident Certificate tor the Taiwan Area, Alien Resident Certificate or relevant identification certificate issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, excluding Americans recognized by the U.S.government。 
  2. Individuals from Mainland China permitted to enter Taiwan, and have NTD deposit account opened in the banks of R.O.C. or foreign currency deposit accounts opened at designated banks. 
  3. Domestic judicial person or foreign judicial person approved by the government of R.O.C. 
  4. Settlor shall satisfy the aforementioned qualification, and shall also open a deposit account at the business unit of our bank. 
  5. Where the prospectus, product brochure, issuance criteria of the fund management company and the regulations of our bank specify further settlor qualification requirements, such requirements shall be complied. 

Subscription Amount Limitation

  1. Minimum amount limitation:
    1. The minimum investment amount for each subscription is NTD 10,000, and it is accumulated in the unit of NTD 10,000. 
    2. For funds in CNY, the minimum investment amount of each subscription is CNY 10,000. For funds in other foreign currencies, they are handled according to the overseas fund service charge collected upon the subscription in principle (partial funds are handled according to relevant requirements).
    3. The minimum investment amount for each dollar-cost averaging investment is NTD 3,000, and it is accumulated in the unit of NTD 1,000. 
    4.  For funds in CNY, the minimum investment amount of each dollar-cost averaging investment is CNY 3,0001,000. For funds in other foreign currencies, they are handled according to the overseas fund service charge collected upon the subscription in principle (partial funds are handled according to relevant requirements). 
  2. Maximum amount limitation:
    1. There is no limitation in the maximum amount for subscription at counter in person.
    2. When you, the settlor, apply for the service of order transaction of fund subscription etc. according to the telephone, mobile banking service application form/internet electronic banking service application/alternation application, if it involves fund payment to our bank it is deemed that you have agreed to transfer fund from the designated transfer account of the applicant into the trust designated account of our bank according to the agreed method.
    3. For the subscription through voice/internet order (including subscription charge), each subscription shall not exceed NTD 2 million, and all of the transaction on the same day will be counted as part of the limitation of daily maximum amount of NT$ 3 million for automated service facility transfer. (If there is any further requirement on the outward transfer limit amount, it shall be handled accordingly)

Collection of Various Fees

  1. Subscription handling fee  
    Trust management fee
    Conversion Charge
    Time of collection
    Deducted (separated collected) according to the trust currency during each investment
    It is deducted from the redemption amount during each time of redemption. Our bank may choose to accumulate the outstanding management fee not yet collected at the end of December each year, and then deduct such outstanding amount from the deduction account designated by the settlor in January of next year.
    Collected separately during each conversion
    Collection rate
    According to the prospectus/product brochure of each fund and the terms specified by our bank, the fee is approximately equivalent to 0.5%~3% of the investment amount (for money market funds, it is 0%
    There is no transaction in this Itmonth, it is calculated based on the latest net value obtainable by our bank on the last business day of each month, and according to the number of beneficial units of the investment subject matter of the settlor, based on the annual rate of 0.2%, and it is recognized cumulatively, and it is accumulated for account entry (for money market funds, it is 0%)
    NTD 500 is collected for each transaction. For the situation where a fund of lower charge is converted into another fund of higher charge, our bank may additionally collect the conversion charge difference. In addition, the conversion fees deducted or charged separately for each fund according to the terms specified by each fund company will also be required. 
    Rules on minimum charge collection

Hours for accepting applications

  1. Subscription at counter: 9:00~15:00 (money market fund subscription acceptance time ends at 10:30AM) 
  2. Subscription via voice calls: 9:00~15:00 (money market fund subscription acceptance time ends at 10:30AM) 
  3. Voice inquiry service: 24 hours (except for fund system routine maintenance) 
  4. Subscription via internet: 24 hours (except for fund system routine maintenance) 
  5. Subscription via mobile internet banking: 24 hours (except for fund system routine maintenance) 
  1. Note: Monday~Friday (financial institution business days) 9:00AM-3:00PM (money market fund subscription: 9:00AM-10:30AM) (Our bank may adjust the acceptance acceptedtransaction time). Transactions completed before the transaction ending time are considered as transaction of current day. Transactions completed after the ending time and weekends; regular holidays are considered as transactions for the next business day of the financial institution.

Attentions for Dollar-Cost Averaging Investment

  1. For DBU and OBU customers of the Bank, settlor can choose to deduct amount from the deposit account at our bank, please be aware to deposit sufficient amount for deduction (including subscription charge) in the designated deduction account one business day (excluding weekends and regular holidays) of financial institution before the monthly designated investment deduction day, in order to ensure successful transaction. 
  2. If the Dollar-Cost Averaging Investment is authorized to deduct from the Bank's deposit account, the settlor shall designate any day from 1st to 31st of each month (can be selected) as the investment deduction date (the credit card debit can only be agreed for 26th day of per month). The deduction date and the handling fee may not be discounted. If there is no deduction date specified by the settlor in the current month, the last calendar day of the month will be the deduction date, and the deduction date will be postponed to the next bank business day in case of non-bank business day. If the bank's business day is also the debit date designated by the principal, the deduction date is only deducted once, and the amount is a single deduction amount. 
  3. The starting date of the Dollar-Cost Averaging Investment contract shall not be the date of application for investment. For deduction through our bank's credit card (limited to NTD investment only), please confirm the available limit of the credit card is sufficient for the deduction of the fund investment (including subscription charge) two financial institution business days before 26th day of each month, in order to ensure successful transaction. The actual operation will still be based on the quota of the credit card at the time when our bank establishes the deduction information. 
  4. To apply for dollar-cost averaging investment and changes (including change of investment amount, deduction account number, deduction date, stop or resume of deduction), for settlor with deduction from the deposit account of our bank, please complete the application through counter or voice method etc. during the business hours of our bank and one financial institution business day (excluding weekends and regular holidays) before the designated deduction investment day; for deduction through credit card of our bank, please complete the application through counter or voice method etc. and two financial institution business days before the designated deduction investment day, such that the current deduction can be effective. When the application is completed beyond such time-limit, then it will only become effective during the next deduction investment day.
  5. When settlor fails to deposit sufficient deduction amount in the designated account within the business hours of one financial institution day before the designated deduction day or fails to preserve sufficient available quota in the credit card within the business hours of two financial institution days before the designated deduction day, such that three consecutive times of deduction for one single investment subject matter failed on the designated deduction day, then it is deemed that the settlor has expressed to terminate the continuous deduction investment on the designated deduction day for the investment of subject matter, and the settlor cannot apply to resume the deduction subsequently. After the termination of the deduction, the terms for the investment in the subject matter on the designated deduction day related to the dollar-cost averaging trust fund specified in the trust contract ceases to be applicable immediately. For the units of the investment with deduction already made for such investment subject matter, except where the settlor proceeds with the redemption of the investment subject matter according to the terms of the trust contract, such amount continues to be retained in the trust fund account of the settlor.
  6. For dollar-cost averaging contract adopting the method of multiple deductions, during the consecutive holiday period in R.O.C., when more than one deduction day is encountered, deduction will only be made on one of the deduction days.

Instructions on Investment

  1. Fund investment is not covered by the scope of deposit insurance. 
  2. Fund is not a deposit, and investor shall bear his or her own gain and loss. The trust investment service of our bank provides no guarantee on the principle and interest. 
  3. Investment in funds of high yield bonds (including high yield bond funds and other funds permitted to invest in high yield bonds according to the laws) are approved by the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan; however, it does not mean that there are no risks associated in such investment. High yield bond funds mainly (other funds permitted to invest in high yield bonds according to the laws also have certain ratio limitation) invest in high risk bonds of non-investment level and the interest distribution may involve the principle. Since the credit rating of high yield bonds have not reaching the investment level or have not undergone credit rating, and since they are relatively sensitive to interest rate changes, consequently, high yield bond funds may suffer from loss due to increase of interest rate, decrease of market liquidity, or breach of bond issuance institution failing to pay the principle, interest or due to bankruptcy. Funds investing in high yield bonds are not suitable to settlor unable to bear relevant risks. Prior to investment in the aforementioned funds investing in high yield bonds, settlor is advised to not place an overly high weight on such funds in his or her investment portfolio.
    For domestic high yield bond funds, the maximum investment amount is 10% of the fund net asset value (other funds permitted to invest in high yield bonds according to the laws also have certain ratio limitation) in the US Rule 144A bonds. Such bonds are mostly private offered funds in nature, and they are prone to insufficient liquidity, incomplete disclosure of financial information or non-transparency of price, such that the risk of greater net value fluctuation may occur.
  4. Settlor shall be aware of possible risks associated with the interest distribution policy. For funds with interest distribution, settlor shall understand the fund interest distribution rate does not mean the fund return rate, and the past interest distribution rate cannot represent the future interest distribution rate. Fund net value can fluctuation up and down due to market factors, and before interest distribution of fund, administrative management related fees may have not been deducted in advance. Furthermore, when a fund permits the use of principle for the payment of interest distribution, the fund interest distribution may be paid from the gain of fund or from the principle. Any parts paid from the principle may cause decrease in the original investment amount. 
  5. The risks associated with the principle loss, exchange rate loss, or fund dissolution and liquidation, transfer, merger etc. possibly caused by the fund investment are borne by the investor, and the maximum possible loss of investment may be 100% of the principle. The past performance of fund does not represent the future investment performance, and investor shall choose the investment subject matter carefully. 
  6. Requirements for short-term trading: If a settlor is subject to the requirements for short-term trading (specified in the fund prospectus established by the fund company) frequently, then the trading counterparty (fund company) may restrict, refuse or cancel the settlor's right to subscription or conversion (including trading of subscription or conversion already accepted by the trustee institution). In addition, depending upon the requirements specified in the fund prospectus, investor may be require to bear the buyback fee for the buyback of a certain ratio of price amount. 
  1. Shall you have any questions, please contact our Customer Service Center or operating counters at each branch or please contact Trust Division at (02)2536-2951, Ext. 2215~2219