

  1. Chang Hwa Bank Internal and External Complaint System Channels and Methods
  2. To establish ethical and transparent corporate culture and to promote sound management, if you (the “Complainant”) discover any personnel of Chang Hwa Bank (the “Bank”) being subject to crime, fraud or violation of laws, please submit the complaint to the Bank by the following Channels and Methods: 
  3. 1. Complaint email: 無內容無內容chb0110@chb.com.tw 
  4. 2. Complaint hotline: (02) 2562-0116
  5. 3. Complaint address: Compliance Division 8F., No.57, Sec. 2, Zhongshan N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104 
  6. 4. Complaint handling principle: 
  7. In order to handle and investigate the case, when the Complainant submits a complaint, please provide the following information for verification:
  8. (1) Complainant’s legitimate name and contact information (including contact phone number and address or email address).
  9. (2) Name and unit of job position (if known) of the party being complained, or other information sufficient to identify characteristics of the party being complained.
  10. (3) Fact of the complaint, occurrence time and location, and shall submit specific evidence for investigation.
  11. The Bank may reject the complaint filed if the following applies:
  12. (1) If the Complainant is anonymous or uses alias, name of others or submits the complaint on behalf of others, and does not provide contact information.
  13. (2) The content of the complaint does not contain crime, fraud or violation of laws.
  14. (3) The content of the complaint exhibits ill intent, false accusation or no concrete evidence or facts etc.
  15. 5. The principle of protecting the Complainant 
  16. Except for regulatory compliance or cooperating with investigation of governmental agencies, or except for information known to the general public, the Bank shall keep the identity of the Complainant and the complaint content confidential.
  17. 6. If the Complainant is an employee of the Bank, please submit the compliant on the Bank’s employee complaint system, or using the complaint email: chb0111@chb.com.tw